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This book came into my hands just before Easter at a time when I really wanted to wean!!!

When I read the book I started to cry and I thought that I am not ready to leave behind the sweetest part that I experienced with my babies, this peace on their faces when they breastfeed, the calmness, the sweetness, the quietness of breastfeeding!!!
But when I got to the end of the sentence
✨Come mother, come don't cry, you have more to live, many joys!✨
calmed me down and kept my mind wandering!! 
A few days later, after I first felt ready, I started preparing the little one, talking to her constantly, being outside all the time, giving lots of hugs... until a few days later my little one drank her last sip!

And now we are ready to experience many more joys!!



Throughout reading,  I empathize with the mother and even though I didn't nurse my children as much as I would have liked, I saw a  part of myself in this book.

As the moment of weaning approaches, feelings for mother and child are mixed. These are the feelings that the author Maria Ploumpi mentions with much love and respect in her book entitled "The last sip". verse, the author takes us by the hand, making us her fellow travelers on this very important journey.



"Mom, I dedicate this book to you," my daughter tells me when I get home. You see, she read it first and then I got my hands on it. And yes, it's the first time he's dedicated an entire book to me!

I will tell. Completing it, I felt nostalgic for all those days and nights when we spent early evening in the company of the little ones at the breast. And as much as I suffered at times, that look and that soft caress of them while breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful things I have experienced in my life. The sincere and selfless love exists at that very moment in their eyes.



If there was a book that I wish had come sooner in my life, then with great confidence I can tell you that it is the one I present to you today.

Finally, as a mother, I want to especially thank  @marina_ploumpi because her book spoke to my heart. It is her story, my story but also the story of every mother whose breast has nourished her baby...

This book will help me when it's time to wean my daughter and it's also a wonderful keepsake that you can keep for a lifetime...❤️



No matter what I say I think it will be a little 🥰… a book taken from your own soul that touches the soul of every person who reads it ❤️… THANK YOU 🥰

And yes, a gift for me too as he came to give words to what my daughter and I are experiencing... he came to hug us both... he came to remind us how wonderful this journey is... he came to remind us that we are not alone in this … he came to hug our family …



Simple and unnecessary text, highly moving, with excellent illustrations by Irini Thanou.
A very beautiful addition to our library that sweetly reminds us of our own breastfeeding period!

What I really liked about this book is the involvement of the dad in the whole process and how active and valuable his help can be even in this process! A process that involves the whole family. 



..describes in such a touching way that this strong bond built between each minute of breastfeeding.

However, no one prepares you for the destination. For the end of this magical journey.
For the last sip.
The wonderful book by the author Marina Ploupis combined with her wonderful illustrations @thanoueir  describes in such a touching way that this strong bond built between each minute of breastfeeding, does not stop at the last sip. It grows, evolves and gives way to new, unique moments.




"The last sip" as a book recommendation by lena_kiousopoulou. 



..a book that spoke directly to my heart.

..captures with complete empathy the magical journey of breastfeeding and its end in the most beautiful way in this book that all mothers must read.

A memory book for us and our children!

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